
HTTP Status Code 226 refers to IM Used. This code indicates that the server has fulfilled a request for the resource and the response is a representation of the result of one or more instance-manipulation operations applied to the current instance. It's primarily used in conjunction with the PATCH method or when working with the If-Match header in the context of HTTP content negotiation, allowing clients to understand the status of their operations on the resource.

HTTP Status Code 208 refers to Already Reported. This code is also used in WebDAV and indicates that the members of a previously queried collection have already been enumerated in a previous response. By using this status, the server can avoid repeating the enumeration of the same members, optimizing the response and reducing redundancy in the communication between the client and server.

HTTP Status Code 207 refers to Multi-Status. This code is primarily used in WebDAV applications and provides information about multiple resources in a single response. It conveys a variety of status codes for different parts of the response, allowing clients to receive detailed information about the success or failure of multiple operations in one go. This is particularly useful when handling batch operations on collections of resources.

HTTP Status Code 206 refers to Partial Content. This code indicates that the server is delivering only part of the resource due to a range header sent by the client. This is commonly used for resuming interrupted downloads or for efficiently streaming media, allowing the client to download specific portions of a file rather than the entire file at once.

HTTP Status Code 205 refers to Reset Content. This code indicates that the server successfully processed the request, and the client should reset the document view that caused the request to be sent. It's typically used in cases where the server wants to inform the client that the content has been successfully updated, and the client should refresh or reset the user interface to reflect this change.

HTTP Status Code 204 refers to No Content. This code indicates that the server successfully processed the request, but there is no content to return in the response body. It's commonly used in scenarios where a request is made to delete a resource or when a successful operation does not require any data to be returned. The response may include headers, but the body is intentionally left empty.

HTTP Status Code 203 refers to Non-Authoritative Information. This code indicates that the request was successful, but the returned metadata may not be exactly the same as available on the origin server. Essentially, the server processed the request, but it obtained the data from a third-party source or modified it in some way. It’s often used in caching scenarios where intermediary servers relay information that may not be fully reliable. This is mostly used for mirrors or backups of another resource.

HTTP Status Code 202 refers to Accepted. This status code indicates that the server has received and accepted the request but has not yet completed processing it. When the server responds with 202 Accepted, it means the request was valid, but the server's action has not yet been fully carried out. This is often used for asynchronous processing, where the request might take some time to complete, but the server acknowledges receipt of the request right away.

HTTP Status Code 201 refers to Created. This status code indicates that the request has been successfully fulfilled, resulting in the creation of a new resource. When the server responds with 201 Created, it confirms that a resource has been created as a result of the client’s request, typically after a POST operation. The server may also include a Location header pointing to the URL of the newly created resource.

HTTP Status Code 200 refers to OK. This is one of the most commonly seen status codes and indicates that the client's request was successfully received, understood, and processed by the server. When a server responds with 200 OK, it means that the request was handled without any issues, and the expected data or resource is being returned. This status code is frequently associated with successful GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE requests where everything went as expected.