
Icon is a high-level programming language developed by Ralph Griswold in 1977 at the University of Arizona. Icon was designed as a descendant of SNOBOL, a language focused on string processing, and aimed to provide more robust and versatile capabilities for handling strings, text processing, and non-numeric data. Its focus is primarily on high-level programming, with strong features for pattern matching, goal-directed evaluation, and implicit backtracking.

The language was built with the purpose of making it easier to work with symbolic and structured data, such as text manipulation, which is why Icon stands out among other programming languages for its distinctive approach to control flow and data handling. The language combines features of procedural programming with elements of functional programming, making it adaptable to a wide range of problem domains. However, it is particularly noted for its ease of use in tasks like text analysis and processing.

One of the central concepts of Icon is its unique handling of expressions through "goal-directed evaluation." In most programming languages, when an expression is evaluated, it either produces a result or fails. In Icon, expressions can produce multiple results (generators), and if one path fails, the program automatically backtracks to try alternative possibilities. This feature gives Icon a very flexible approach to problem-solving, especially in applications requiring pattern matching or searching algorithms.

Here’s a small example of basic Icon code to demonstrate its simplicity and goal-directed evaluation:

procedure main()
   s := "hello"
   every c := !s do

In this example, the string s is assigned the value "hello", and the every loop iterates over each character in the string. The !s is a generator, which produces each character of the string one at a time. This generator feature is key to Icon's design, allowing the program to explore different possibilities naturally without requiring explicit control flow handling.

The goal-directed evaluation model makes Icon particularly suited to complex searching and matching problems. For example, if a certain path in the program does not succeed in finding a match, Icon automatically backtracks to a previous state to attempt other options. This allows for highly concise and readable code when dealing with tasks like pattern matching or recursive searches.

Another important feature of Icon is its handling of types. Icon employs a dynamically typed system, meaning variables do not need to be declared with specific types beforehand. The language will infer and handle the types of variables at runtime. This makes Icon highly flexible and easy to write for tasks that involve a lot of experimentation or prototyping.

While Icon did not gain widespread popularity like some other languages, it has influenced many ideas in string processing and pattern matching and has served as a precursor to other high-level languages in these domains. Its strong focus on symbolic processing, combined with goal-directed evaluation and backtracking, makes it a powerful tool in areas where searching and pattern recognition are essential.

In terms of modern usage, Icon is not commonly seen in mainstream development, but it is still of interest to those working in fields like computational linguistics, text processing, and certain types of artificial intelligence research. It provides a different approach to problem-solving than many contemporary languages and can be an excellent choice for problems where pattern matching and search are central concerns.

Icon remains an intriguing language due to its unique combination of high-level constructs, goal-directed control flow, and strong string processing capabilities. Though not widely used today, it continues to influence specialized areas and is remembered for its innovative features that were ahead of its time.
