
FScript is a lightweight, dynamic scripting language primarily used for manipulating object-oriented structures within the NeXTSTEP and macOS environments. Initially developed by Philippe Mougin in the early 2000s, FScript was designed to serve as an embedded scripting language for applications written in Objective-C, which is the primary language used for macOS and iOS development.

FScript stands out for its tight integration with the Cocoa and NeXTSTEP frameworks, providing developers with direct access to live objects and enabling them to interact with the application's object graph in real time. This makes it particularly useful for debugging, testing, and exploring object-oriented programs in environments based on Objective-C. The language supports a flexible, dynamic runtime that allows developers to write scripts that directly interact with objects, inspect their properties, and modify their behaviors on the fly.

FScript is highly reflective, meaning that scripts can inspect and manipulate their own structure as well as the underlying object-oriented structure of the application they are embedded in. This characteristic makes it an invaluable tool for developers working on complex, object-oriented systems, as it allows them to explore and test various aspects of their application without recompiling or restarting the program.

One of the key features of FScript is its ability to work with collections and apply functional programming techniques such as mapping, filtering, and folding over collections of objects. This makes the language a powerful tool for manipulating arrays, dictionaries, and other types of collections in an expressive and concise manner. Here's a simple example of an FScript expression that retrieves all the window objects from the application and prints their descriptions:

[[NSApp windows] do: [:window | window description print]]

In this example, NSApp refers to the global application object in Objective-C, and the expression retrieves all the windows of the application, iterates over them, and prints a description of each window.

FScript also provides a REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop), which allows developers to interactively enter expressions, evaluate them, and see the results immediately. This REPL environment is particularly useful for experimenting with live objects during the development process and can greatly speed up debugging and exploratory coding.

The simplicity and expressiveness of FScript make it well-suited for tasks such as prototyping, scripting, and debugging within Objective-C environments. However, its usage is largely confined to the macOS and iOS ecosystems due to its deep integration with the Cocoa frameworks.

Though FScript has a limited user base compared to other more general-purpose scripting languages, it remains a valuable tool for macOS and iOS developers working within Objective-C applications. Its ability to manipulate live objects and provide real-time feedback helps streamline development, testing, and debugging processes in object-oriented systems.
