

Modula-2 is a procedural programming language developed in the late 1970s by Niklaus Wirth, a prominent figure in computer science and the creator of several influential programming languages, including Pascal. The design of Modula-2 was influenced by the experiences Wirth gained while developing Pascal, and it aimed to extend Pascal's capabilities by incorporating features that support modular programming, which is essential for managing large software systems.


MATLAB is a high-level programming language and interactive environment primarily used for numerical computing, data analysis, and visualization. Developed in the early 1980s by Cleve Moler, the co-founder of MathWorks, MATLAB was initially designed to provide easy access to matrix software and facilitate numerical calculations without the need for extensive programming experience.


Lustre is a synchronous dataflow programming language primarily designed for programming reactive systems and real-time applications, particularly in safety-critical domains. It was developed in the 1980s at the Verimag Laboratory in France by a team led by Jean-Pierre Courtois, Dominique L. B. Lecomte, and Hélène L. P. R. L. de Moura.


Ladder Logic is a programming language that originated in the early 1960s and was designed for programming Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) used in industrial control systems. The language was developed to mimic the schematic diagrams of relay logic hardware, which were familiar to electricians and engineers working in factory automation and machine control. Its visual resemblance to the rungs of a ladder is where the name Ladder Logic comes from.


LabVIEW (Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench) is a system-design platform and development environment for a visual programming language from National Instruments (NI). It was created in 1986 and is particularly well-known for its graphical programming interface, where users connect different "nodes" with "wires" to control data flow and system processes.


Logo is a programming language that was created in 1967 by Wally Feurzeig, Seymour Papert, and Cynthia Solomon. It was originally developed as a tool to introduce children to programming and mathematical thinking, using concepts that are easy to grasp for young learners. The language is widely known for its application in turtle graphics, where commands move a "turtle" on the screen, drawing shapes and patterns based on the programmer's instructions.


Lua is a lightweight, high-level programming language designed primarily for embedded systems and applications that need to be extended or customized. It was created in 1993 by Roberto Ierusalimschy, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo, and Waldemar Celes at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. The language was born out of the necessity for a flexible, simple, and efficient scripting language that could be embedded into programs written in other languages.


Lisp is one of the oldest programming languages still in use today, known for its unique and powerful approach to symbolic computation and list processing. It was developed by John McCarthy in 1958 at MIT as a mathematical notation for computer programs, intended for artificial intelligence (AI) research. The name Lisp itself is short for LISt Processing, which reflects its core concept: data is structured as lists, and much of the language revolves around list manipulation.


Kite was an innovative static analysis tool that integrated directly into code editors, aiming to provide real-time code completions for Python developers. Developed by Adam Smith and his team, Kite was first introduced around 2014 as a way to speed up the process of writing Python code. The platform leveraged machine learning algorithms to suggest context-aware code completions and provide documentation as users typed, effectively streamlining the coding experience and helping to minimize errors.


Kodu is a visual programming language designed by Microsoft with the goal of making game creation accessible to children and novice programmers. It was originally introduced as Boku in 2009 and later renamed Kodu Game Lab. The platform allows users to create their own video games using simple, visual rules instead of complex code. Microsoft Research developed it, specifically aimed at fostering creativity and problem-solving skills through interactive storytelling and game development.
