
Harbour is an open-source, cross-platform programming language that is a modern implementation of the Clipper language. Clipper was originally developed in the 1980s as a powerful xBase language, designed for creating database applications on the MS-DOS platform. When Clipper became outdated, the need for modern alternatives led to the creation of Harbour, which extended Clipper's capabilities while maintaining compatibility with legacy Clipper code.

Created in the late 1990s, Harbour was developed by a community of programmers who wanted to bring Clipper into the era of modern operating systems such as Windows, Linux, and macOS. The language retains much of Clipper's syntax but adds a range of new features to meet contemporary programming needs. It allows developers to write code that can be compiled and executed on various platforms without requiring significant modification, making it highly versatile for database and business application development.

One of Harbour's main strengths is its ability to maintain compatibility with xBase applications, which allows developers to continue using their old Clipper applications while adding new functionality. It supports modern programming paradigms, such as object-oriented programming (OOP), and can interface with popular databases like MySQL and SQLite. This makes Harbour a valuable tool for updating and maintaining legacy systems, particularly in industries like finance, retail, and manufacturing, where older xBase applications are still widely used.

Here’s an example of a simple Harbour code that opens a database and displays records:

USE Customer.dbf
  ? Customer->Name, Customer->Address

In this example, Harbour accesses a database file (Customer.dbf), and for each record, it displays the customer's name and address on the screen. The USE command opens the database, and SKIP moves to the next record. The program loops through the database until it reaches the end of the file (EOF).

A major reason why developers opt for Harbour is its compatibility with legacy systems, as many organizations still rely on software written in Clipper. Using Harbour allows these organizations to modernize their software and move to new operating systems without rewriting their entire codebase. The language's open-source nature also ensures that it continues to evolve with contributions from the community, offering new features and bug fixes regularly.

Harbour can also be used to develop graphical user interface (GUI) applications with the help of various external libraries. This expands its capabilities beyond traditional command-line applications, making it a viable choice for modern software development projects. Its ability to compile to native executables on multiple platforms enhances its versatility, especially for developers who need cross-platform solutions.

In summary, Harbour is a valuable tool for those looking to maintain and modernize legacy xBase applications while benefiting from the enhancements of modern software development practices. Its role in extending the life of Clipper applications and its cross-platform support make it an essential programming language for businesses with legacy systems.
