
In APCO 10-codes, 10-18 means "Urgent — Use lights and siren."

This code is used by law enforcement and emergency personnel to indicate that an urgent situation is occurring that requires immediate response while utilizing emergency lights and sirens. It signifies that the responding units should proceed to the scene with increased urgency to ensure a timely response.

For example, during a radio communication, it might be used as follows:


In APCO 10-codes, 10-17 means "Urgent."

This code is utilized by law enforcement and emergency personnel to indicate that a situation requires immediate attention or that there is an urgent need for action. It serves as a way to prioritize communications and response efforts during critical incidents.

For instance, during radio communication, it might be used like this:


In APCO 10-codes, 10-16 means "Picking Up."

This code is commonly used by law enforcement and emergency personnel to indicate that an officer is in the process of picking up or collecting something or someone, such as a piece of evidence, equipment, or an individual who needs assistance.

For example, during a communication exchange, it might be used like this:


In APCO 10-codes, 10-15 means "Prisoner in Custody."

This code is used by law enforcement personnel to indicate that they have a suspect or individual in custody. It is crucial for communicating this status to dispatch or other officers, as it signals that an arrest has been made and that the individual is being transported or handled by the arresting officer.

For example:


In APCO 10-codes, 10-14 means "Convoy or Escort."

This code is typically used by law enforcement or emergency services to indicate that they are escorting a convoy of vehicles. This could involve escorting dignitaries, transporting valuable goods, or assisting in situations where special attention to safety is required.

For example:


In APCO 10-codes, 10-13 means "Weather Report."

This code is used by law enforcement and emergency services to communicate information about current weather conditions that may affect operations. It can be utilized to alert personnel about severe weather, such as storms, heavy rain, snow, or other atmospheric conditions that could impact visibility or safety.

For example:


In APCO 10-codes, 10-12 means "Stand By."

This code is commonly used in law enforcement and emergency services to inform personnel that they should hold their position or wait for further instructions. It indicates that a situation is in progress and that immediate action or response is not necessary at that moment.

For example:


In APCO 10-codes, 10-11 means "Dog Case."

This code is typically used in law enforcement communications to refer to a situation involving a dog, often indicating that a police officer or unit is dealing with a dog-related issue. This could include various scenarios, such as a stray dog, a dog involved in an incident, or when a canine unit is deployed.

For example:


In APCO 10-codes, 10-10 means "Negative."

This code is used to indicate a negative response or to deny a request. It is often employed in radio communications to succinctly convey that something is not the case or to decline an action. For example:


In APCO (Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials) 10-codes, 10-1 typically means "Signal Weak" or "Receiving Poorly". It is used by law enforcement officers or dispatchers to indicate that the radio transmission being received is weak or unclear, making communication difficult.

Here’s how it might be used in a real-world scenario:
