


/prə-pe-lər hed/

n. Used by hackers, this is syn. with computer geek. Non-hackers sometimes use it to describe all techies. Prob. derives from SF fandom's tradition (originally invented by old-time fan Ray Faraday Nelson) of propeller beanies as fannish insignia (though nobody actually wears them except as a joke).



n. 1. The art of debugging a blank sheet of paper (or, in these days of online editing, the art of debugging an empty file).

2. n. A pastime similar to banging one's head against a wall, but with fewer opportunities for reward.

3. n. The most fun you can have with your clothes on (although clothes are not mandatory).


/prō-gra-mərz chir/

"Shift to the left! Shift to the right! Pop up, push down! Byte! Byte! Byte!"

A joke so old it has hair on it.



A "Programmer" is a skilled individual who possesses the expertise to design, write, and maintain software programs. This adept professional is akin to a mastermind, combining logic and creativity to transform ideas into functional and efficient digital solutions.

Using various programming languages, a programmer develops step-by-step instructions, known as code, to instruct computers on how to perform specific tasks. These tasks can range from building applications and websites to controlling complex systems and analyzing data.



n. 1. A magic spell cast over a computer allowing it to turn one's input into error messages.

2. An exercise in experimental epistemology.

3. A form of art, ostensibly intended for the instruction of computers, which is nevertheless almost inevitably a failure if other programmers can't understand it.




n. A short extempore program written to meet an immediate, transient need. Often written in BASIC, rarely more than a dozen lines long, and contains no subroutines. The largest amount of code that can be written off the top of one's head, that does not need any editing, and that runs correctly the first time (this amount varies significantly according to the language one is using).

Compare toy program, noddy, one-liner wars.



n. 1. A control file for a program, esp. a text file automatically read from each user's home directory and intended to be easily modified by the user in order to customize the program's behavior. Used to avoid hardcoded choices.


/prī-ȯr-ə-tē in-tə-rəpt/

[from the hardware term]

n. Describes any stimulus compelling enough to yank one right out of hack mode. Classically used to describe being dragged away by an SO for immediate sex, but may also refer to more mundane interruptions such as a fire alarm going off in the near vicinity. Also called an NMI (non-maskable interrupt), especially in PC-land.


/prīm tīm/

[from TV programming]

n. Normal high-usage hours on a timesharing system; the day shift. Avoidance of prime time is a major reason for night mode hacking.