


[CMU: from nanosecond]


A brief period of time.

"Be with you in a nano"

means you really will be free shortly, i.e., implies what mainstream people mean by

"in a jiffy"

(whereas the hackish use of jiffy is quite different -- see jiffy).

[SI: the next quantifier below micro-; meaning * 10-9]



[from the ASCII mnemonic for 0010101] interj.

1. On-line joke answer to ACK?:

"I'm not here."

2. On-line answer to a request for chat:

"I'm not available."

3. Used to politely interrupt someone to tell them you don't understand their point or that they have suddenly stopped making sense.

See ACK, sense 3. "And then, after we recode the project in COBOL..."

"Nak, Nak, Nak! I thought I heard you say COBOL!"


/nä-ˈēv yü-zər/

n. A luser. Tends to imply someone who is ignorant mainly owing to inexperience. When this is applied to someone who *has* experience, there is a definite implication of stupidity.



adj. Untutored in the perversities of some particular program or system; one who still tries to do things in an intuitive way, rather than the right way (in really good designs these coincide, but most designs aren't really good in the appropriate sense). This is completely unrelated to general maturity or competence, or even competence at any other specific program. It is a sad commentary on the primitive state of computing that the natural opposite of this term is often claimed to be experienced user but is really more like cynical user.



[like a trophy]

adj. Said of a bug finally eliminated after protracted, and even heroic, effort.



quant. 1. A large and indeterminate number of objects:

"There were N bugs in that crock!"

Also used in its original sense of a variable name:

"This crock has N bugs, as N goes to infinity."

(The true number of bugs is always at least N + 1.)


/ˌmaɪˌɛs kjuːˈɛl/

MySQL, pronounced as /ˌmaɪˌɛs kjuːˈɛl/, is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) that has gained widespread popularity for its efficiency, reliability, and ease of use. It is commonly used to store, manage, and retrieve data in various applications, from small-scale projects to large enterprise systems.



vt. To quietly enter a command not meant for the ears, eyes, or fingers of ordinary mortals. Often used in 'mutter an incantation'.

See also wizard.



n. A common extracurricular interest of hackers (compare science-fiction fandom, oriental food; see also filk). Hackish folklore has long claimed that musical and programming abilities are closely related, and there has been at least one large-scale statistical study that supports this. Hackers, as a rule, like music and often develop musical appreciation in unusual and interesting directions.