

Inform is a design system and programming language for interactive fiction, created by Graham Nelson in 1993. The language was specifically built for writing text-based adventure games, also known as interactive fiction (IF), and it is used to create games that can be played on virtual machines like the Z-machine, which was originally developed by Infocom for its games in the 1980s.


Icon is a high-level programming language developed by Ralph Griswold in 1977 at the University of Arizona. Icon was designed as a descendant of SNOBOL, a language focused on string processing, and aimed to provide more robust and versatile capabilities for handling strings, text processing, and non-numeric data. Its focus is primarily on high-level programming, with strong features for pattern matching, goal-directed evaluation, and implicit backtracking.


Io is a relatively lesser-known, prototype-based programming language that emphasizes simplicity, flexibility, and dynamic behavior. Developed by Steve Dekorte in the early 2000s, Io was designed with the goal of creating a small, embeddable language that can be easily understood and extended by developers. It draws inspiration from languages like Smalltalk, Lisp, and Self, combining elements from these into a powerful, minimalist language that is highly flexible and expressive.


DL (Interface Definition Language) is a specification language used to describe the interface of a software component. The main goal of IDL is to provide a way for programs, possibly written in different programming languages or running on different platforms, to communicate with each other in a consistent manner. This concept is especially important in the context of distributed systems and CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture), where IDL is commonly employed.


Harbour is an open-source, cross-platform programming language that is a modern implementation of the Clipper language. Clipper was originally developed in the 1980s as a powerful xBase language, designed for creating database applications on the MS-DOS platform. When Clipper became outdated, the need for modern alternatives led to the creation of Harbour, which extended Clipper's capabilities while maintaining compatibility with legacy Clipper code.


HyperTalk is a high-level, English-like scripting language developed in 1987 by Bill Atkinson for Apple Inc. It was designed as part of the HyperCard platform, a software tool for creating interactive media applications. The language was aimed at non-programmers and creative professionals, allowing them to create dynamic content with minimal technical knowledge.


Haxe is a high-level, cross-platform programming language developed by Nicolas Cannasse in 2005. Originally called HaXe, it was designed to provide a single programming language that could compile to multiple target languages and platforms, such as JavaScript, C++, C#, Java, Python, PHP, Lua, and others.


Hack is a programming language developed by Facebook in 2014. It was designed to interoperate with PHP and to address some of the challenges that developers faced while working with PHP at scale. Hack was created by Julien Verlaguet, along with others on the Facebook engineering team, to improve the reliability, maintainability, and performance of their codebase without abandoning the familiar syntax and ecosystem of PHP.


Haskell is a statically typed, purely functional programming language that was first introduced in 1990. Named after the logician Haskell Curry, it was developed by a committee of computer scientists, including Simon Peyton Jones and Paul Hudak, to unify and standardize various functional programming languages that existed at the time.


GDScript is a high-level, dynamically-typed programming language designed for Godot Engine, an open-source game engine developed by Juan Linietsky and Ariel Manzur. Introduced in 2014, GDScript was created specifically to simplify the game development process by being tightly integrated with Godot's node system, which forms the core of its engine structure. Its syntax is similar to Python, making it easy to learn and use, especially for developers already familiar with Python.
