

REXX (Restructured Extended Executor) is a high-level programming language developed by IBM in the 1970s. Originally created to provide a scripting language for use in the IBM VM/CMS operating system, REXX was designed to be easy to learn and use, offering a more accessible alternative to more complex programming languages available at the time. Its primary goal was to allow users to automate tasks, manipulate data, and create interactive scripts.


RPG (Report Program Generator) is a high-level programming language originally developed by IBM in 1960. Its primary purpose was to simplify the generation of reports from data files, which made it a valuable tool in business applications. Unlike many other programming languages that were designed for general-purpose use, RPG was specifically tailored to handle the input/output operations required in business applications, such as processing transactions, generating reports, and managing large databases.


Racket is a multi-paradigm, general-purpose programming language that originated from the Scheme family of Lisp languages. It was designed with a particular emphasis on providing a powerful environment for language creation, making it popular for use in research, teaching, and software development. Originally developed in the mid-1990s as PLT Scheme by Matthias Felleisen and his team at Rice University, it was later rebranded as Racket in 2010.


Rust is a modern systems programming language designed for performance, safety, and concurrency. It was originally developed by Graydon Hoare at Mozilla Research in 2010, with the first stable release arriving in 2015. Rust was created as an alternative to languages like C and C++, aiming to address their notorious issues with memory safety, while still delivering the high performance required for systems-level programming.


R is a programming language and environment specifically designed for statistical computing and data analysis. It was created by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman in 1993 at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. Drawing inspiration from the S programming language developed at Bell Laboratories, R was designed as an open-source alternative that would allow for statistical computation and graphics.


QML (Qt Modeling Language) is a declarative programming language designed for building modern and dynamic user interfaces, particularly with Qt, a powerful cross-platform framework for developing graphical user interfaces. QML was created by Nokia in collaboration with The Qt Company, introduced as part of the Qt Quick module within Qt 4.7 in 2010.


QuakeC is a programming language created by John Carmack and Michael Abrash at id Software for developing the game Quake, which was released in 1996. It was specifically designed to allow game developers to customize and control various aspects of the Quake game engine, such as game mechanics, character behavior, and physics.


QBasic is an easy-to-learn programming language developed by Microsoft, serving as a simplified variant of the BASIC programming language. Released in 1991, it was included with MS-DOS and became widely popular due to its accessibility for beginners and educational purposes. QBasic provided a structured environment for learning the fundamentals of programming and problem-solving, and its development environment was fully interactive, making it ideal for teaching purposes and hobbyist programming.


Q is a programming language designed specifically for working with the KDB+ database, developed by Arthur Whitney and released by Kx Systems in 2003. Q is a high-level array-oriented language, primarily used in the finance industry, particularly in quantitative analysis and high-frequency trading applications, thanks to its unparalleled speed and efficiency in processing time-series data.


Pike is a dynamic programming language originally developed in 1994 by Martin J. K. Ankerl and others. Designed to be a versatile, high-level language, Pike was created with the intent of providing a powerful and efficient tool for both system programming and application development. Its syntax is similar to that of languages like C and Java, making it relatively accessible for those familiar with conventional programming paradigms.